The Best Tofu Scramble

The most delicious tofu scramble — the turmeric gives it a gorgeous golden colour. It’s perfect with sourdough or rye toast, flatbreads or roasted veggies.
The best tofu scramble

It’s been a very exciting week this week.

First I’ve contributed to an amazing raw food blog Raw Kiwi, secondly I received a massive box full of coconut goodies from The Coconut Merchant which I can’t wait to create some new recipes with, and I’m also very much looking forward to my first workshop next week!

All rather exciting!

So back to the food, have you tried scrambled tofu before?

I think my tofu scramble could give scrambled eggs a run for its money and its money any day.

It’s rich, and the turmeric gives it a gorgeous golden colour.

Perfect with sourdough or rye toast, flatbreads or roasted veggies.

And it’s packed full of healthy ingredients; tofu for plant-based protein, kale, spinach, garlic, and turmeric.

Just a note on tofu. I’m still experimenting to find the best varieties and brands for different recipes.

The one I used here was an organic silken tofu by Clearspring, and it worked so well for my tofu scramble, delivering a delicious, rich scramble.

Happy scrambling, love Niki xx

The Recipe

The best tofu scramble

The Best Tofu Scramble

The most delicious tofu scramble - the turmeric gives it a gorgeous golden colour. It’s perfect with sourdough or rye toast, flatbreads or roasted veggies.
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
2 servings
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  • 4 spring onions chopped
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic chopped
  • 1 tbsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • Handful spinach optional
  • Handful kale optional
  • 1 pack silken tofu chopped into cubes
  • 1 tsp tamari
  • Pinch chili flakes
  • Sea salt and black pepper
  • Squeeze lemon juice
  • Best with; toast flatbreads, buckwheat pancakes


  • Heat the olive oil in a small frying pan and add the spring onions. Fry until soft and browning.
  • Add the garlic, turmeric, cumin seeds, salt and pepper. Cook a further minute.
  • Next, add in the kale and spinach and stir until they have wilted, then add the tofu and mix everything to combine.
  • Finally, add the tamari, chili flakes, any further salt and pepper if you think it needs it, and a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • Great served with toast or flat bread. I like a little of kimchi on the side!
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I'd love to hear your comments…

  • Tiziana

    Hi Nik, your recipes are all scrumptious:)

    In this recipe your toast look like you spread something on it before piling the tofu scramble, is it an hummus type of spread or something else?

    Thanks , Tiziana x

  • The recipe says that you cut the tofu into cubes, but how do you get it how it is in the photo? Do you scramble/whisk it like eggs? Thank you! Can’t wait to try it x x

    • Hi Chloe
      The tofu is quite soft so it scrabbles in the pan.
      Best wishes
      Niki xx

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